Every so often, funny animals are spotted in the wild - and lucky for us, these moments are all caught on camera. These aren't just your regular animal photos, though. These photos show wild animals in a completely different light as they transport themselves into the human world and cause an absolute ruckus as they wander around being the silliest of gooses. From bears chilling out in hammocks to ostriches riding the subway, these animals were spotted in the wrong places... but at the right time.
A Quacking Time
The general rule of thumb when you ride the subway is that you should never look anyone in the eye. You should just mind your own business and wait quietly and patiently until you get to your stop. But how could you resist staring at this guy? It's not every day you spot a wild duck riding the subway, and this funny animal photo managed to capture that incredible moment.
We'd do the exact same thing as the women on the left if we saw a duck riding the subway. First, we'd think we'd gone quackers. Then, we'd want to take a photo to prove to ourselves that we weren't imagining it.
See Ya Later, Alligator
If you have a pet in your life, you'll know that there's nothing better than taking your pet on adventures with you. You might head up the mountains for a hike, you might visit friends and family across the country, or you might head to the hot springs for a dip. Well, that's exactly what this Florida man decided to do - but he didn't take his dog or cat with him. He took his alligator.
This funny animal photo proves that wild animals aren't always as wild as they seem, and this alligator seems pretty comfortable sitting in a car and wearing sunglasses for the journey!
Plotting World Domination
When some animals are spotted in the wild, most people think it's a coincidence. But have you ever wondered whether that coincidence isn't as coincidental as you'd think? Sometimes, these animals are just too suspicious - and these pigeons are a prime example. Sure, these pigeons could have coincidentally chosen this table to sit at, or they could have specifically planned to plot their world domination at this table behind everyone's backs.
Whatever the case, we're pretty concerned about what comes next. Will the world be overtaken by wild animals? Will pigeons reign supreme? Will we have to wade through a pile of pigeon poop to get to work?
Breaking Free
While we know that turtles are wild animals, watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a kid has made us wonder whether these wild animals have secret lives we don't know about. Do they come out of the sewers when our backs are turned to save the world and eat pizza? Well, we weren't sure - until we saw this animal photo! Now, we're starting to wonder whether our suspicions are true.
This turtle obviously didn't check there were any humans around when it started breaking free from the walls, as he was busted mid-breakout. And we bet the human wasn't too happy about the mess, either.
Hey, You Guys!
Picture this: You've woken up bleary-eyed after having way too little sleep; you stumble out of bed and into the kitchen, you pour yourself a much-needed cup of coffee, and then you head into your living room before looking up and seeing... a cow. What would you do? Well, we assume that your coffee cup would leave your hand and smash into the ceiling, because this isn't something you see every day.
This wild animal obviously didn't want to hang out in the fields anymore, which is why he decided to explore the local area. But someone should tell him that it's rude to be a peeping Tom.
A Sheepskin Rug
You probably don't need us to tell you that there's a hierarchy in the animal world - or at least the animals at the top think so. These are the animals who think they've above all of their furry companions, and they're the animals that will use these faithful subjects to get ahead in life. Don't believe us? Just check out these spoiled cats! They weren't going to sit on the ground like commoners, after all.
In order to cushions their tails and keep warm out in the wild, these cats decided to make the most of their very own sheepskin rugs. And the rugs don't look best pleased about it.
"Nothing to See Here"
Anyone who has ever had a pet cat will know that it's impossible to know what a cat is thinking. They're some of the most mysterious creatures on earth, and while they're common pets, they're very independent animals that go by the beat of their own drum. And we bet a few cat owners have experienced this situation, before. You know, the situation where you open up your refrigerator and find your cat sitting in there.
No, you don't know how it got in there, and you definitely don't know what it's doing, but we bet you anything you just shut the door again and let them get on with it.
Sir, Did You Wash Your Hands?
Public restrooms aren't fun. They're often very smelly, there's always random bits of toilet paper on the floor, and you have to deal with the other people you meet in there. But what would you do if you walked into a public restroom and came across a wild animal? Well, we guess it depends on the type of wild animal. If it was a sloth, we probably wouldn't care. A tiger, however...
We bet that whoever took this photo had the fright of their lives when they opened the door and saw a tiger in front of them, drinking from the faucet. Let's hope they backed away slowly.
Ruff Day at Work
Have you ever had one of those days at work where all you want to do is leave the normal world behind, head to the movies, and sit in the dark for a few hours while you watch a new release and stuff your face with popcorn? Well, you're not alone. It seems as though animals have ruff days too, as seen by these dogs sitting in the movie theater.
This funny animal photo is what dreams are made of, and next time they decide to head to the movies we really hope they'll let us know so we can join them.
Just Hanging Out
Does anyone else have a fear of looking out of the window at night? For some reason, we think that if we look out of the window when it's dark outside, we'll see someone staring back at us or a monster waiting to pounce on us. And while we know that's probably not true, our fears are only heightened when we see photos like this! After all, bears aren't often spotted in the wild.
And they're definitely not spotted chilling out in hammocks in backyards on a regular basis, either. And while it seems as though this guy's just hanging out, we don't think we'd get too close to him.
Knock Knock
When animals are spotted in the wild, this is normally in their natural habitat where they're away from humans and away from harm. But when you try and mimic this natural habitat closer to humans, chaos can ensue. If you're not sure what we're talking about, just look at this madness! When this woman decided to visit a drive-thru safari park, she hoped she'd get up close and personal with some of the wild animals. And she did... just not in the way she expected.
This giraffe got way too close for comfort, so much so that its eagerness to get close to the human resulted in a smashed window and shards of glass everywhere.
Whatcha Cookin' Good Lookin'?
Let's be honest; when it comes to wild animals, elephants are some of the wildest of the bunch. These giant animals normally stay well clear of humans if they can, but we guess sometimes the hunger in their huge stomachs can prove to be too much to bear. So, they venture closer to the human world - and this funny photo shows an elephant breaking into a house and checking out the kitchen.
We wonder what happened next. Did the homeowner whip up a giant snack for the giant animal? Or did they instantly run away and never return to their home again? We'd love to know.
Lost Baggage
Although many of the cats in this world are domesticated, that doesn't mean that they don't still have their wild instincts. And those wild instincts can make living in a human world very strange and confusing. After all, we have lots of weird stuff that can look utterly ridiculous to those who aren't used to things. Take luggage belts at airports, for example. These cats just didn't know what to make of them.
Of course, we're not sure what these cats were doing in the airport in the first place. But as they can't read, we don't blame them for ignoring the sign telling them not to sit on the belt.
The Old Switcheroo
Cats and dogs are often lumped together in the same 'pet' category. While they're very different, they're also two of the most common household pets in the world - and sometimes they get on like a house on fire! But there's no doubt about the fact that cats are a lot sneakier than dogs. They're constantly thinking up schemes, and it seems as though that's no different with wild cats.
When this African cheetah wanted to get out of its cage, it decided to pull the old switcheroo and hoodwink a passing dog into swapping with it. And that's pretty clever... but also pretty terrifying.
Trade Ya?
Some dogs long to be free. And while they love their humans, they dream of living a life in the wild, running around for hours on end, and providing for themselves. Of course, most humans won't ever let their dogs get too far before they're taken home again - but it seems as though this wannabe wild animal decided to take himself off for an adventure. And he knew that nothing in life is free.
So, when he realized that his stomach was starting to rumble, he decided to take his favorite ball to the local coffee shop to see if the barista would do a trade. And that was pretty smart.
Taking a Dip
It's fair to say that cows aren't wild animals. They're commonplace in farms across the globe, and used to provide us with a constant supply of milk. But have you ever wondered whether cows enjoy such a job? It must be tough to be a milk-making machine, so we don't blame this guy for wanting to take a break from his daily job and take a dip in the ocean. All he wanted to do was feel the water between his hooves.
His decision has resulted in one of the funniest animal photos we've ever seen, as this guy really seems to be re-assessing his life choices. But what is he thinking?
Number 36, Please
Vending machines are one of the greatest inventions the human world has ever seen. On-demand snacks wherever we go? They're genius! But it seems as though we're not the only ones who think so, as this funny photo has captured the moment a beaver got a little too friendly with a nearby vending machine and found himself stuck in the middle of it. On the bright side, at least he had some snacks to keep him going until he got rescued.
On the not-so-bright side, we're going to go ahead and assume that after this wild animal encounter, all of the contents of the vending machine had to be thrown in the trash.
Rising Above the Peasants
Did you know that cats were considered god-like in Ancient Egyptian times? Whether you like cats or not, it's hard to deny that these felines are very majestic. They strut around like they own the place, they tenderly lick their paws, and their eyes look powerful. But one thing about cats is that they also look very unimpressed with the world - and we can only assume that's because they look down on us peasants.
In fact, this cat is quite literally looking down on its subjects from above. And we're not sure how they managed to climb up that smooth pole, but good on them!
Just Keep Swimming
If you need a few moments to truly understand what's going on in this funny animal photo, we really don't blame you. After all, there's a lot going on here. From the 'D' from what looks like the Hollywood sign to the dog riding a horse in the swimming pool, we'd love to know the backstory of this animal photo. Alas, we don't know it - so we can only assume that this was a Hollywood animal party gone wrong.
From the likes of Lassie to the War Horse, there have been so many amazing animal actors in Hollywood's history. And we guess they deserve to have some down-time after their hard work on screen!
In the Wrong Body
It's not common to come across humans who feel as though they've been born in the wrong body, but have you ever wondered whether animals feel the same? When you think about it, this idea makes sense when it comes to the cats of the world. After all, they're known for having eight lives - so why can't some of those lives be in different bodies and as different animals? In a past life, this cat must have been a monkey.
While it still looks very much like a cat, those monkey instincts still reside in its body from its past life. And when monkey wants a banana, monkey will do anything to get a banana.
Mom, That You?
It must be pretty strange being a wild animal and then suddenly being adopted by humans into the human world. It's probably a very difficult transition, so we do have to sympathize with this chicken. For years, it roamed pastures and hung out with its chicken friends, and then it was suddenly taken inside to sit on the lap of a human while they played Minecraft. And that's before we mention what it saw on the screen.
This chicken probably though they were clucking mad when they saw this pixelated chicken on the screen, and we hate to think of how confused they were when they spotted it.
An Uber Driver
In today's day and age, you don't need your own car to get from A to B. It's super easy to call an Uber and hitch a ride with your Uber driver - but what would you do if you got into your Uber and saw this little guy? We wouldn't be surprised if you were a little concerned. Last time we checked, kittens don't have big enough hands to hold a steering wheel.
And that's before we mention the fact that this little guy definitely can't reach the peddles. So, we're going to assume that this passenger didn't get to work on time.
Snug as a Bug
You might assume that all wild animals are used to living in cold and harsh conditions. After all, they live outside! But every so often, animals are spotted in the wild, trying to protect themselves from the cold and making themselves snug as a bug in a rug instead. Take this little guy, for example. He could sense that the temperatures were dropping, so he found a safe haven to (quite literally) squeeze his head.
While this doesn't look very comfortable, we bet it was way more comfortable than laying out in the cold every single night. So, good job for making the most of what you've got, little guy.
"You Got Any Cheetos? "
Deer are naturally scared of humans, which means that we really get the chance to interact with these wild animals. And while we thought that was the case across the world, it seems as though some deer in some areas of the world have been taking some lessons in confidence. Take these deer, for example. When they fancied a little snack, they made their way to their local convenience store and asked the shopkeeper for some Cheetos.
How would you react if you came face to face with a deer? If we're being honest, we'd probably be so confused we'd just let the deer take whatever they wanted.
Hitching a Ride
It's long been known that racoons absolutely love water. These wild animals will go in search of lakes and rivers to splash around and have a swim on a daily basis, and it seems as though they can't get enough of the wet stuff. But there's always an exception to the rule, and this animal photo proves that not all racoons are the same. In fact, it looks as though this one doesn't like water at all!
But this meant that it was faced with a dilemma when it wanted to cross the river. But instead of facing its fears and swimming across, it decided to hitch a ride with an alligator instead. That's smart.
Just Horsing Around
When you're wandering around your local neighbourhood, are you nosey and looking into other people's homes, or do you keep yourself to yourself? If you're a nosey neighbor, we really don't blame you. There's so interesting about seeing how other people live, but sometimes your investigations can lead you down a very strange path. And that's exactly what this person realized when they saw a wild animal looking at them through the window.
Horses are normally spotted in the wild, not in apartment blocks! But we guess this horse has the ability to walk up stairs and loves to watch the world go by.
Seat's Taken
You probably don't need us to tell you that anything goes on the subway. The subway is also full of animals, from sewer rats to the spiders that lurk down in the dark depths of the ground! However, we're going to go ahead and assume that you've never seen an ostrich hop onto the subway train before. There's a good reason for that, too, as these wild animals rarely get involved in human life.
We can only imagine the reaction of the rest of the passengers when they spotted this big bird strut onto the train, and we bet it wasn't a positive one.
A Perfect Dismount
Let's be honest; has anyone ever been able to look attractive while pulling themselves out of a pool? Sure, stuff like that happens in James Bond movies, but stuff like that doesn't happen in real life. Instead, most people will drag themselves out of a pool coughing and spluttering, looking like the girl with the long hair in The Ring. But what you might not realize is that this also happens to wild animals.
Okay, we don't know how this cow managed to get into the hot tub in the first place, but who are we to ask questions? All we know is that it struggled like the rest of us to get out gracefully.
Wrong Way Around
Cats are natural predators, and this is even the case for domesticated cats. Their instinct is to catch smaller animals like mice and birds, and most of the time, this instinct kicks in as soon as they need it. But we can't help but think that this cat has got a little confused with their instinct. Instead of catching the bird as soon as the cage opened, it managed to get itself stuck in there instead.
This whole thing is the wrong way around and doesn't really make sense. But that doesn't stop it from being a hugely funny animal photo that we want to print out and stick on our wall.
Being a wild animal is tough. They have to survive off the land, they have to forage for their food, and they have to deal with predators on a regular basis. That's why we can't help but think that sometimes they prefer it when humans come in and help them. But this needs to be a give-and-take relationships, and it seems that in this case, the human decided to look after the horse if the horse decided to help him on his shoplifting adventures...
After all, you can't arrest a horse, can you? And if the horse is the one stealing food and drinks from the shelves, the man can't be blamed, can it?
Loud Neighbors
There's a reason why wild animals don't live in apartment buildings, you know. These guys have hooves, they're heavy, and they make all kinds of grunts and noises. Because of this, nobody would want to live under them! They'd get on everyone's nerves and be the neighbors from hell, but it seems as though this horse didn't listen to what society expected from it. He wanted to get on the property ladder.
Imagine their surprise when this horse's neighbors spotted him trotting down the corridors. We do have one question, though. Does he fit into the elevator? Or does he have to take the stairs?
Just Wants to Be Held
You might assume that humans are the only ones who want to be held after a bad day. But it seems as though animals have these moments, too! And when this cat struggled to come to terms with the fact that it hadn't been able to catch any mice to put on his owner's doorstep that day, he decided to seek out a water feature to give him the attention he really needed.
This might not look very comfortable for humans, but this cat looks as though it's found the perfect spot to snuggle. In fact, it fits in this statue's arms like a glove.
Just Cattin'
Cats are funny animals because, on the one hand, you have domesticated cats who like to sit on radiator hammocks, and then, on the other hand, you have wild cats that will rip you to shreds, given the chance. But have you ever wondered what would happen if these two types of cats met? Well, wonder no more. When this domesticated cat snuck into a zoo, it immediately struck up a friendship with this lynx.
Although you'd think that these two don't have a lot in common, it didn't take them long to get on like a house on fire. But, if anything, that makes us a little worried about the cat in our house.
"Move Out of the Way"
Don't you just hate it when you're trying to watch television, and someone's sitting in the way? Most of the time, we'd shout at them to stop blocking our view, but we're not sure whether the rules are the same when you're dealing with a giant bison. In fact, we don't think we've ever seen a bison in a house before - and we'd love to know how this very wild animal came to be in someone's living room.
Of course, we'd also love to know what this is bison watching. Does it love watching Western shows and movies? Or does that hit a little too close to home?
Laundry Day
Everyone hates doing the laundry, right? Well, just remember that you're not alone in your dislike for doing laundry, as everyone shares the same thoughts as you. But if you need any sign to buy your own washing machine for your house or apartment, take this wild animal photo as that sign! When you're not in the mood to head to the laundromat, we have a feeling that you won't be in the mood to deal with a big cat either.
We have no idea what a tiger is doing in a laundromat, but we have a feeling that he's up to no good. And that's not the kind of drama you want to be around.
If you were driving in your car and someone shouted 'duck!', there's a high chance that you would crouch down, thinking that you were about to hit a low-hanging branch or a passer-by was gearing up to throw a burrito at you. But in this case, they'd shout because they were quite literally looking at a duck in the passenger seat of another car! Why? Well, we have absolutely no idea.
In this duck's case, we can only assume that the wild animal was struggling in the midday heat outside in the wild. So, they decided to take themselves off to the nearest car and turn up the AC to cool down.
"That's My Name, Don't Wear It Out"
Have you ever seen a more perfect animal photo? Nope, we haven't either. What we love about this photo is that it's so simple yet so effective. Sure, it may just be a photo of a cat and some machinery, but it's the little details that really make this special. The cat is sitting in the perfect position, right underneath its very own name. And it's one of our favorite coincidences we've seen.
Because of this, we really don't blame the person who took this photo for whipping out their camera and snapping this photo. We would have done the exact same thing.
Shaken but Not Stirred
Wild animals don't really have the scope to be fussy, but it seems as though the more time these animals spend around humans, the more they discover what they like and dislike. And while this elephant could have wandered down to the water hole for some muddy fresh water, this elephant prefers his water shaken and not stirred. In fact, he much prefers toilet water to the water at the watering hole.
We just love the look on this elephant's face. It looks as though he knows he should be ashamed of drinking toilet water. But on the other hand, he doesn't care because he loves it so much!
Trying His Best
When you think about it, being a wild animal must be pretty boring. You don't get to watch TV, you don't get to read books, and you don't get to enjoy the sweet sweet sounds of music. But it's fair to say that domesticated animals live in a gray area between the wild world and the human world - and on this occasion, this cat decided to get closer to the human world.
When he saw the tuba sitting in front of him, he decided that he had to give it a go - and while he's certainly not the best tuba player in the world, he at least tried his best.
"I Will Not Obey"
Cats really do live their own lives. They don't care about their humans, they don't care about other cats, and they certainly don't care about the rules. At their core, they are wild animals who live by the beat of their own drum - and there's no better example of this than this funny animal photo right here. In fact, the cat is looking directly at the camera as if to say, "I will not obey."
What's more, we bet people who saw this cat didn't shoo it along, either. Everyone knows not to get on the bad side of a cat, so it's best not to risk it.